[AMBER-Developers] compiling with ia64

From: Lachele Foley <lfoley.ccrc.uga.edu>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 14:35:28 -0500

Regarding compiling with ia64:

The netcdf/DBINTRAJ thing seems to function well (skips netcdf, doesn't add DBINTRAJ).

I still have to delete some compiler options. Here are the error messages. I get similar messages when it calls gfortran:

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/programs/amber/amber11_AT_20091214/src/carpack'
gcc -c -O3 -mtune=generic -msse -mfpmath=sse -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -o dgetv0.o dgetv0.c
cc1: error: bad value ‘generic’ for -mtune= switch
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-msse"
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-mfpmath=sse"
make[1]: *** [dgetv0.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/programs/amber/amber11_AT_20091214/src/carpack'
make: *** [serial] Error 2

As noted in an earlier email somewhere, my response to this is to remove compiler options until it stops complaining. I realize this might degrade performance, but decreased performance is better than not compiling. I'm compiling it now without the options. Usually, it works.

Other info I suspect you might want (more upon request):

gcc (GCC) 4.3.1
GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.3.1
Linux glycam.ccrc.uga.edu 2.6.9-42.0.3.EL #1 SMP Mon Sep 25 17:14:34 EDT 2006 ia64 ia64 ia64 GNU/Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)

I am not an expert on compiler options, but will do my best if you have questions since I happen to have an ia64 to play with.

:-) Lachele
B. Lachele Foley, PhD '92,'02
Assistant Research Scientist
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, UGA
----- Original Message -----
From: case
To: amber-developers.ambermd.org
Sun, 13 Dec 2009 21:11:37 -0500
Subject: [AMBER-Developers] getting close
for AmberTools 1.3
> Hi everyone:
> Another release candidate has been uploaded:
>    http://ambermd.org/downloads/AmberTools.13dec09.tar.bz2
> This has updates to the docs from Lachele (who should proofread), plus
> configure tweaks and so on.
> If someone can test parallel ptraj, I would appreciate it.  Maybe also ia64.
> Known problem: sleap is not working under cygwin, but I'm willing to release
> without solving this.  [sleap.exe just returns, never giving a user prompt
> or reading any input files.]
> I'm hoping to make the release by the end of the week.
> Thanks to all of you who have been working hard on this.
> ...dac
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Received on Mon Dec 14 2009 - 12:00:02 PST
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