[AMBER-Developers] updating the AmberTools users manual

From: case <case.biomaps.rutgers.edu>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 09:04:32 -0500

Hi Mengjuei (and others):

I neglected to tell you one thing: revisions to the *Users' Manual* should
just be made in the trunk, not in the at3 branch. I have just been manually
copying the updated pdf manual into the tarball. (We don't distribute the lyx
files themselves.)

What this means is that the updates in revision were being applied
to the wrong foundation...entirely my fault. I will try to apply those pathes
to the head of the trunk. Please apply all future updates to the manual to
the trunk, and (if feasible) hold off on new feature descriptions for a week
or so.

My apologies for his glitch! I know I am treating the documentation
differently than the code. It may have been a bad idea, but we're far enough
along that path now that I'm thinking we can continue.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Thu Dec 10 2009 - 06:30:02 PST
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