[AMBER-Developers] problems with lex under Solaris

From: <Russ.Brown.Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 08:56:22 -0800

Hi Scott,

I don't know how to move this discussion exclusively into bug 93. Let
me know how to do that.

Your option 1 did not permit compilation under Solaris.

Your option 3 did permit compilation under Solaris. But upon execution,
a call to mm_options() calls mmolex() which in turn calls mmolook().
Execution hangs in mmolook(). Oddly, I can't get dbx to show me the
source lines of mmolook() despite the fact that sff.c (and hence
lex.mm_options.c) are compiled using the -g flag. And when I attempt to
compile with -DLEXDEBUG, the functions allprint() and sprint() are
undefined. In which source file are these functions located?



On 11/10/09 12:08, Scott Brozell wrote:
> Hi,
> Let's move this discussion exclusively into bug 93.
> Russ please try my ideas 1 and 3 which you should have already received.
> thanks,
> Scott
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 11:45:53AM -0800, Russ.Brown.Sun.COM wrote:
>> No, the lex.mm_options.c and lex.dg_options.c files do not work with
>> Solaris. The compiler complains about NAME and the make aborts.
>> Russ
>> On 11/10/09 04:44, case wrote:
>>> On Mon, Nov 09, 2009, Scott Brozell wrote:
>>>> This is bug 93. Im thinking of a workaround in the lex files.
>>>> I have to refresh my memory on lex. Further details will be in bug 93.
>>> I'm not sure this can be fixed by changing the lex files. My idea is to do
>>> what we did with leap: remove the rules that create lex.mm_options.c, and
>>> just have that file (made with flex) be a part of the distribution. The
>>> lex
>>> file can still be around for future developers, but users don't need to
>>> deal
>>> with it.
>>> Scott or Russ: can you see if the lex.mm_options.c and lex.dg_options.c
>>> files
>>> (in /amber11/src/nab/lexc) will work on Solaris?
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