> On the subject of libraries getting removed, the "make -f Makefile_at
> clean" command, as recommended by the configure script when the user
> reconfigures to build parallel tools and sander, removes a bunch of
> important libraries from $AMBERHOME/lib (specifically, libnab.a,
> libsff.a, and so forth). These libraries are not rebuilt on a parallel
> build. Should this instruction be moved into "distclean"? I note it's
> already in "make uninstall".
In fact, I went ahead and did that. I figure it can be changed easily
enough if it poses a problem.
While I was at it, the remove command made reference to "clbas.a". I
suspect this was meant to be "cblas.a", and have changed it accordingly.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Oct 27 2009 - 09:30:06 PDT