[AMBER-Developers] Amber11 Snow Leopard compilation and testing notes on Wiki

From: Ben Roberts <roberts.qtp.ufl.edu>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 16:31:33 -0400

Hi all,

Following on from Gustavo's suggestion, I've put the notes I emailed
round yesterday on the wiki. These can be found at


in lieu of an obviously better page for the moment. But if there is a
better page that escaped my notice, please feel free to move the info.

I've also put together a "tests" report. This can be found at


wherein I describe in some detail what failed and (to the extent I could
figure this out without actually delving into the code) why it did so.
 From what I can tell, some of the failures merely reflect an old
version of the "template" file, while others, especially the
segmentation faults, are more substantial. I hope someone finds this
work helpful.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Wed Sep 30 2009 - 14:00:02 PDT
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