Re: [AMBER-Developers] Amber on Mac (Snow Leopard)

From: case <>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 21:56:55 -0400

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009, Jason Swails wrote:
> Has anyone had a chance to try and get AMBER compiled on a Mac running the
> new Snow Leopard using the standard GNU compilers that come with xcode
> tools?

What does "gcc --version" report? Most developer tests of the latest
Amber code uses are more recent version than Apple provides -- I use
gcc 4.4.0 (but not on snow leoopard).

> gcc -c -m32 -DBINTRAJ -DSTAND_ALONE eval.c
> gcc -o ucpp mem.o nhash.o cpp.o lexer.o assert.o macro.o eval.o

We probably should make sure that if -m32 is specified for the compile
step, it should be specified for the load step as well, although I have
not seen this problem myself. What happens if you go the other direction,
and just leave out -m32 from the FLAGS?

> f2c.h:140: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before ‘complex’

Try commenting out lines 140 and 141 of f2c.h ... I'm not sure that union
is ever used in the code.

> Does this look like a problem with the code or possibly the compiler?

I'd vote for a compiler error, since such an error has not been reported
before, and this f2c header file comes from netlib, and is widely used...

> I'm going to try and obtain a copy of the intel compilers for Mac, and see
> if perhaps those fare better, but since those cost money I'll probably
> dawdle in actually obtaining those.

I'd recommend trying a more recent gnu compiler; look at, where you can find Snow Leopard releases of
gcc/gfortran 4.4. I've used the "leopard" releases of these, so there is at
least a good chance that the "snow leopard" stuff help.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Wed Sep 16 2009 - 19:00:02 PDT
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