On Wed, Sep 16, 2009, steinbrt.rci.rutgers.edu wrote:
> parallel bintraj configuration failed (config.log is attached) because it
> could not find either ac_nonexistent.h or yywrap, so I decided to try
> without.
It's not *supposed* to find ac_nonexistent.h! (That's why it's called
"nonexistent"). In order to find the real error for pnetcdf, you need to
scroll up from the bottom of the config.log file. In your case, the error
is here:
configure:5490: error: mpi implementation does not support MPI-IO
This is also the probably reason that your parallel ptraj compilation failed,
even without netcdf support.
The "supported" MPI is now openmpi, since I have not been able to get LAM
(with ROMIO support) to compile on Mac OSX with gcc/gfortran. You need to:
1. grab openmpi-1.3.3.tar.bz2 from the web, then run "configure_openmpi", OR,
2. re-run "configure_lam" and see if it works on your system, OR,
3. install your favorite MPI library (mpich2, etc.), and put mpicc and mpif77
in your PATH.
[It's true that we need to upgrade the installation instructions.]
If some Mac Guru on the list can get lam to compile correctly on Mac OSX
(using the configure_lam script in amber11/src), please post details.
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Received on Wed Sep 16 2009 - 07:00:02 PDT