Re: [AMBER-Developers] Usage of long symbol names, KIND, DFLOAT, etc.

From: Joe Krahn <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 19:40:54 +0100

Robert Duke wrote:
> I am of the opinion that fighting over maximum name lengths is a waste of
> time, and completely contrary to the flow in evolving good software
> engineering practice. I suppose that if I were to see a fortran compiler
> that patently fails on some >n name length, I would feel otherwise.
That is partly why I posted the question: Are there any current
compilers that hard limit of 31? Intel Fortran has a hard-limit of 63
characters, which is the F2003 standard, and probably good to enforce.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Wed Apr 01 2009 - 01:16:45 PDT
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