Searching the reflector is becoming ever more unproductive.
It is difficult to quickly find good hits because
the results can contain too many bad hits, the results are
not sorted by date, and the results can contain too few hits
due to spelling errors etc.
(Googggle helps on the spelling errors unless the post is mispelled;-).
For example, this reflector verbatim subject title:
Xleap - solvatebox - counterions
does not find the Jan 30 2009 thread:
Maybe it is too close to the post date ?
And this search
finds lots of junk and is not date sorted.
I dont expect this type of searching to be as productive as grepping
my reflector mail file, but adding an option to sort by date seems
very attractive result-wise and can be done by googgle advanced search;
can we automagically do this ?
This could be our first step to offering better searching.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Wed Feb 04 2009 - 01:32:50 PST