On Thu, Sep 25, 2008, Ross Walker wrote:
> The AMBER CVS tree has now been migrated to the new server:
> cvs.ambermd.org
> Access will require setting up a new account for you and obtaining a copy of
> you public ssh key(s).
> Please see the following document for information:
> http://dev-archive.ambermd.org/amber_cvs_instructions.txt
Looks pretty nice...thanks again.
A minor note: the "nab5" directory is outdated, and may well be
inconsistent with stuff in amber10/amber11. I think you should *not*
have nab5 available via CVS -- it is just asking for trouble. And I
don't think anyone needs it anyway.
Received on Sun Sep 28 2008 - 05:07:14 PDT