On Fri, 11 Apr 2008, David A. Case wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2008, Ross Walker wrote:
> > There are multiple test case failures on xlf90_aix. A large proportion of
> > these are due to test cases having "&end" instead of "/".
> >
> > grep -R "&end" $AMBERHOME/test/*
> >
> > returns a HUGE number of entries (including lots of save files) that will
> > take a while to update. Note a lot of the NCSU test cases also seem to be
> > lacking the initial space in front of &cntrl.
> >
> > I can try and update all these but it will take a while.
> Please don't update these right now (or don't check into CVS). Let's wait
> until we get Amber10 out there and we generally open up CVS again.
> If there are *simple* fixes that help for AIX, send them to me and I will
> consider them.
> It sounds like sander basics work, but the test cases maybe don't reflect
> this. Further, no one has yet complained about AmberTools and AIX, so we may
> be getting limited benefit from fixing things, while opening ourselves up to
> the chance that some file replacement would break something.
> For Amber10, I've turned off CVS commit access, even from Scott and Ross --
> This is just for the next few days, where there needs to be one point of
> failure (i.e.: me).
> Generally, the most useful thing right now is probably to make improvements in
> the Users' Manual, since that affects everyone, not just Solaris or AIX users.
> Giving the draft web page a careful read would also be helpful. Or, you could
> drop by the house and do my taxes.
Hmmm, ...
OK, Ive got plenty of other work to do, but I shall instead
enjoy the fantastic weather today.
Received on Fri Apr 18 2008 - 21:18:43 PDT