Re: amber-developers: AIX test case failures

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 18:14:32 -0700

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008, Ross Walker wrote:

> There are multiple test case failures on xlf90_aix. A large proportion of
> these are due to test cases having "&end" instead of "/".
> grep -R "&end" $AMBERHOME/test/*
> returns a HUGE number of entries (including lots of save files) that will
> take a while to update. Note a lot of the NCSU test cases also seem to be
> lacking the initial space in front of &cntrl.
> I can try and update all these but it will take a while.

Please don't update these right now (or don't check into CVS). Let's wait
until we get Amber10 out there and we generally open up CVS again.

If there are *simple* fixes that help for AIX, send them to me and I will
consider them.

It sounds like sander basics work, but the test cases maybe don't reflect
this. Further, no one has yet complained about AmberTools and AIX, so we may
be getting limited benefit from fixing things, while opening ourselves up to
the chance that some file replacement would break something.

For Amber10, I've turned off CVS commit access, even from Scott and Ross --
This is just for the next few days, where there needs to be one point of
failure (i.e.: me).

Generally, the most useful thing right now is probably to make improvements in
the Users' Manual, since that affects everyone, not just Solaris or AIX users.
Giving the draft web page a careful read would also be helpful. Or, you could
drop by the house and do my taxes.

Received on Fri Apr 18 2008 - 21:18:43 PDT
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