RE: amber-developers: formatting problem in amber

From: Ross Walker <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 09:58:52 -0800

As it seems that this message mysteriously vanished into the ether without a
trace I am resending it...

Hi Mark,

I fixed this bug in the amber 10 cvs tree about a month ago and produced a
patch file to update amebr 9 but then completely forgot to post it. I'll
post the bugfix that makes it match the amber 10 tree when I get back in the
office on Thursday. Thanks for bringing this to my attention and your
attempts at debugging it. I was very dissapointed myself in the ifort error
message and can't remember now how I tracked it down. Probably by using
print statements in the code.

I agree with your comments regarding gfortran although it might be more
useful, at least in the Amber 10 tree to see if we can easily just work
around a few of the gfortran bugs in the code. Although ultimately more bugs
may crop up / move around etc. I feel it is a real shame that g95 has not
become the standard because in my experience it is considerably more stable
and better featured than gfortran.

While I think it would be nice to submit bug reports to gfortran creating
such things can be very time consuming and so I am more inclined (maybe just
through laziness) to wait and see if the bug 'magically' go away by
themselves. If you think it will help to submit bug reports then by all
means do so. Perhaps we should just encourage people to use g95 though since
it seems to do a much better job with amber at present.

All the best

|\oss Walker

| HPC Consultant and Staff Scientist |
| San Diego Supercomputer Center |
| Tel: +1 858 822 0854 | EMail:- |
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Received on Thu Dec 14 2006 - 04:59:58 PST
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