amber-developers: new buglist page for Amber

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 19:15:33 -0700

I have set up an informal bug-list page on the Amber wiki:

This is mainly to ensure that bugs don't get lost/forgotten after they are
reported. I know that there are lots of more sophisticated ways to handle
this, and if someone wants to suggest things (and volunteer to take care of
it!), I will consider such proposals.

But for now, please look at this page, add any comments or bugs you know
about, and fix any you can! Once a bug is fixed (with a patch for Amber9,
and the equivalent fix in Amber 10), it can be removed from this list.

...thanks for helping here....dave
Received on Wed Sep 06 2006 - 06:07:21 PDT
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