amber-developers: a note about the amber9 CVS tree

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 16:05:05 -0700

Hi everyone:

I want to clear up a possible confusion: the amber9 cvs repository is frozen.
To get a bugfixed version of amber9, you need to check out the CVS tree
*and* use the bugfix.all script from the Amber webpage.

[For those of you with a TSRI account: even easier is to grab amber9.tgz
from /thr/loyd/case/mm/amber9_release. This is what users receive on the CD.
Untar this, apply the bug fixes, and you will have the "official" Amber 9.]

In the past, I have tried to enter bugfixes into the CVS tree, even after the
release date. But it is too easy for the bugfix page and the CVS tree to
become out of sync. If someone wants to volunteer to *very carefully* keep
the CVS tree and the bug-fix page in sync, I'm willing to change the policy
and give that person CVS commit access for amber9.

Received on Sun Aug 20 2006 - 06:07:07 PDT
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