The auto* amber8 has been tested by icc8+ifc8 under freebsd with minor
compiler name search list reorder. And the original amber8 optimization
flags are also pass the compile via --enable-paranoid-conf.
The only annoyance is icc generate some warning like "non void function
should return a value" and "function declared implicitly". The compiler
options as the same as original amber8. Anyway, it is trival warnings and
not difficult to handle.
In addition, would anyone like to tell me why _cpp_ was used as fortran
preprocessor? It seems Amber9 still keep it judged from scott's previous
mail (-fpp_prefix). Does it because amber use special cpp dialects, or
there is any rarely seen fortran90 compiler do not have preprocessing
options? Currently, I only support compiler supplied cpp options.
P.S. Zweig, I will send you the demo version as soon as I finish, but
Amber8 is too big and I have some trival patches scattered elsewhere so
that I can not just send you the auto* related files.
All the best
Received on Wed Apr 05 2006 - 23:49:51 PDT