On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, Istvan Kolossvary wrote:
>(AmberTools24) istvankolossvary.Mac ~ % conda install dacase::ambertools-dac
> - dacase
> - defaults
>Platform: osx-arm64
>Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
>Solving environment: failed
>PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from
>current channels:
> - dacase::ambertools-dac
>Current channels:
> - https://conda.anaconda.org/dacase
> - defaults
> - https://conda.anaconda.org/dacase
Thanks for the report, but I admit I'm baffled here. If you go to the
'current channels' web site, you will see that ambertools-dac is indeed
there, and there is an osx-arm64 option. And the instructions there on
how to download seem to be exactly what you used. At least 15 people have
downloaded that package, and it appears fine on my MacBook Air (M2).
Could you try "conda install dacase::ambertools-dac=24.7.0 ? Maybe being
explicit will help.
So far, two people (Romain Wolf and me) have reported success in installing the
package, you have reported a "cannot find", and one person on the Amber
mailing list has reported finding the package, but not finding a needed
version of arpack.
(This is somewhat like reports for building from source: virtually every
Apple Silicon user has a different set of issues, except for a handful who
report "no problems". Even for people who are willing to help with
debugging, it's hard to know what to ask them to check.)
Maybe if we can get more reports, we can begin to figure out what successes
and failures have in common....
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Feb 10 2025 - 15:00:02 PST