Hi everyone:
I'm looking for volunteers for a couple of Amber support projects:
1. Trying to build AmberTools conda-forge packages, especially on OSX.
We get odd errors (see
https://github.com/conda-forge/ambertools-feedstock/pull/154) and the
publicaton of a conda package for AmberTools24 has been much delayed as a
result. Someone who is used to building things on OSX would be helpful; an
understanding of conda builds would help as well. But general help with
OSX-related questions would also be useful.
[The problem reported on the web page above is not the only one, but it
involves nlopt. So, if you are familiar with nlopt, you might see if this
rings any bells.]
2. Building Amber on Ubuntu 24.04
If you have access to such a machine, please report success or failure in
building Amber and AmberTools. See
for a recent problem report.
...thanks in advance...dac
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Thu Oct 31 2024 - 08:30:03 PDT