[AMBER-Developers] Amber website

From: Maria Nagan via AMBER-Developers <amber-developers.ambermd.org>
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 12:27:25 -0400

Dear Amber Developers Community,

Thank you for a great meeting in early March! I know a lot of you are
diligently working on the AmberTools23 release. However, I just wanted to *put
something on your radar.*

I would like to undertake a few housekeeping tasks for the Amber website:

1. Migrate us all to php files (fancy html files).


   If you had an older tutorial (pre-2020), I made a copy of the html file
   in the same folder with the php ending. The main page links to this .php

   If you updated your html files in the last 3 years, without going
   directly through me, I will convert them to php by looking for the most
   recent revisions (let me know if you’re worried).

   I will plan on deleting your html files on April 15, 2023 unless you
   write to me (don't reply all; please see below). *Exception*: Thomas
   Steinbrecher TI tutorial.

*Tasks for you:*


   If you have personal, external links to our website, please *update any
   links to the php files*.

      e.g. tutorial3/index.html → tutorial3/index.php

   Please edit your html files instead of your php files going forward.

2. Simplify the Amber website to make it easier for both new and more
experienced users. So this is more of a warning.

   - I would like to move a number of outdated tutorials to a “historical
   tutorials” page.
   - For some of the more advanced tutorials, I would like to put them on
   their own page and not list them on the front page unless they are new.

I am putting this out here in case I have not anticipated certain
implications. Please correct me (by not replying to this message but
instead forwarding/commenting directly to me maria.nagan.stonybrook.edu or

All the best and thank you!



From the meeting:

•Porting - Happy to have conversations with your grad students/post-docs

•Talk to me (email me) if you’re planning on writing a tutorial

•Email me your slides/codes/input (I can translate)

•Model code after


•include folder

•Use <p>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, and <pre>

•700 px wide

•Don’t modify the html files; Use php files
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Received on Tue Mar 28 2023 - 09:30:02 PDT
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