[AMBER-Developers] compiling AMBER on a new system

From: Thomas Cheatham via AMBER-Developers <amber-developers.ambermd.org>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2022 16:41:09 -0600 (MDT)

Howdy all,

I am trying to compile both amber18 and/or amber22 on longhorn at TACC
which has IBM nodes and I get alternatively tripped up in miniconda /
netcdf / etc. Has anyone modified the cmake for IBM compile? I get tripped
up since when I do gnu, it puts x86 everywhere rather than what the IBM

It is strange since I was able to get it to compile a few years ago. I
know TACC had troubles with Frontera and amber22; I'll inquire if they
resolved these.

Thanks! --tom

\-/ Professor Thomas E. Cheatham, III
-/- Department of Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy
/-\ Director, Research Computing and CHPC, UIT, U of Utah
-/- tec3.utah.edu http://www.chpc.utah.edu/~cheatham
/-\ SKH-4914 (801) 587-9652; FAX: (801) 585-6208
\-/ INSCC-410 (801) 585-6318; FAX: (801) 585-5366

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Received on Mon Sep 12 2022 - 16:00:04 PDT
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