On Mon, Oct 18, 2021, Åke Sandgren wrote:
>When doing EasyBuild installs of AmberTools (non-Amber) what should we
>run as test?
>make test.serial tries to use pmemd so that's not usable.
Here is the code in $AMBERHOME/Makefile:
-(cd AmberTools/test && $(MAKE) test)
.(if [ -n "$(BUILDAMBER)" ] ; then \
cd test && $(MAKE) test; \
echo ""; \
echo "Summary of AmberTools serial tests:"; \
echo ""; cat ../logs/test_at_serial/at_summary; \
fi ;\
It skips any tests of pmemd, and that should mean that test.serial is
an appropriate target even in only AmberTools is installed.
I just tested this with AmberTools21 (only) and it worked for me. What
behanvior are you seeing that makes this "not usable"?
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Received on Fri Oct 22 2021 - 14:00:02 PDT