[AMBER-Developers] Amber citations on Google Scholar

From: Shiji Zhao <shijiz.uci.edu>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2021 19:10:38 -0700

Dear Amber developers,

I'm curious about how Amber citations are created/managed on academic
platforms like Google Scholar, since I noticed that Amber citations are not
consistently listed on Google Scholar. For example, I can easily find Amber
2015 and Amber 2020, but there seems to be no "official" citations for
Amber 2016-2019, as well as Amber 2021 after its release 4 month ago. I
wonder if there is anyone responsible for managing Amber citations?

Please understand that as a young scholar, I care about building my
academic profile and my total citation counts. If Amber citations are not
managed appropriately, as a new Amber contributor, I'm kind of worried that
Amber 2021 cannot be found on Google scholar so that citations on Amber
2021 cannot be added to my total citation counts...

I appreciate any answers and opinions from you.

Shiji Zhao
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Thu Aug 12 2021 - 19:30:02 PDT
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