I replied to this person but probably got it wrong, and now that I look
closer the message they got when compiled was confusing to me. If they have
amber18 and ambertools 20 , why did it offer them amber20 patches? seems
like it should not try to apply those to amber 18. That probably isn't
related to their cpptraj error but seems confusing.
the section from the original post on the reflector:
I first downloaded amber18 and ambertools20 and performed the serial
Next, I wanted to compile the parallel version.
I went to $AMBERHOME/AmberTools/src and issued ./configure_mpich gnu.
That went fine only some warnings.
Next I went back to $AMBERHOME and issued ./configure -mpi gnu.
Here is where I get my error. Please see the output:
Checking for updates...
Checking for available patches online. This may take a few seconds...
Available AmberTools 20 patches:
No patches available
Available Amber 20 patches:
update.1, update.2, update.3, update.4, update.5, update.6, update.7,
update.8, update.9, update.10,update.11
There are patches available. Do you want to apply them now? [y/N]
(Recommended Y)
NOT updating your tree and continuing anyway.
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Received on Wed Apr 28 2021 - 13:30:02 PDT