[AMBER-Developers] Developer opening at University of Maryland

From: Shen, Jana <Jana.Shen.rx.umaryland.edu>
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2020 19:53:32 +0000

Dear Amber developers.

I have an immediate opening of a postdoctoral fellow to work on the continued development of continuous constant pH MD and related tools. The annual salary range is ~$53 - $65k and University of Maryland offers excellent benefit packages. Surrounding areas offer excellent outdoor and culture activities as well as employment opportunities.

If you know an individual who would be interested, please let her/him know to contact me directly.


Jana Shen, Ph.D.
Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Pharmaceutical Science
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
20 Penn St
Baltimore, MD 21201
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 09 2020 - 13:00:02 PDT
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