Hello Amberites,
As I begin a project to incorporate X-ray restraints into pmemd and then
into pmemd.cuda, I would also like to take the time to re-format the
libraries to conform to standards that everyone can benefit from. The code
is better commented than many, but there are <TBS> placeholders throughout
for actual function descriptions. While most of the routines are not as
drawn out as their sander equivalents, it's still easy to get lost in
I will be working through the libraries in groups, and as with the CUDA
code this will generate big diffs, but if it can be done quickly enough
when people are not actively working on one library or another the
formatting changes can be separated from functional changes.
If anyone is actively modifying one library or another, please get viable
changes pushed to master or send me the name of the important libraries so
that I will know not to touch them until they stabilize.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Wed Aug 15 2018 - 14:30:01 PDT