I just posted a build failure to the wiki tests page. My system is very
old, so I don't think this failure needs to be a concern.
However, the way in which the mpi build died, worries me that this may be a
more general issue that other compilers gloss over. Perhaps that means its
fine. But perhaps this is a bug waiting to happen. Anyway, I wanted to post
it here to alert folks who might ignore my ancient system in the list of
things on the wiki:
-no-prec-div -axSSE4.2,SSE3 -I/home/krieg/source/amber18/include -c
nb_pairlist.F90 nb_pairlist.F90(3239): error #8018: The memory reference
associated with an ASSUME_ALIGNED directive must not be in COMMON, a field
reference, use associated, or host associated. [PROC_ATM_TO_FULL_LIST]
compilation aborted for nb_pairlist.F90 (code 1)
Oh, this is Intel v 12.0.0 using -intelmpi on really old CentOS/RH 5.6
Brent P. Krueger.....................phone: 616 395 7629
Professor.................................fax: 616 395 7118
Hope College..........................Schaap Hall 2120
Department of Chemistry
Holland, MI 49423
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 12 2018 - 05:30:02 PDT