Hi everyone:
Here are some items related to the upcoming release:
1. Code freeze is projected for March 5. But please don't wait for that
date to get things in! As in previous years, I will allow updates to the
documentation (Amber.lyx and amber.bib) during all of March.
2. Cover art contest: please email proposed artwork to dac. You can send
preliminary, or low-resolution versions, with the understanding that you
can make a final version if your entry is selected. Preference will be given
to entries that illustrate recent published work using Amber, and which blend
nicely with a white background. Runners-up will have their artwork added
to key spots on the web page.
3. Tarball size: my first crack at making the AmberTools18 tarball came out
at 395 Mb compressed. Our history:
AmberTools11 67 Mb
13 96
14 212
15 231
16 330
17 359
No one thing is going to help, but please try to see if there are some
test files we could distribute separately. Or anything obsolete or redundant
that could be removed. (I'll be sending out some specific
questions/recommendations to certain people in the coming weeks.)
4. DFTB folks: are the slko files in $AMBERHOME/dat/slko up to date?
Thanks in advance for all your help in getting things in place for a
smooth(?!?) release process.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Sun Feb 18 2018 - 19:00:02 PST