[AMBER-Developers] Does -noopt really mean no optimizations?

From: David Cerutti <dscerutti.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2017 01:02:26 -0400

Hello devs,

I've historically been a heavy user of the configure -debug option, which I
just read is supposed to set -noopt. (I had been explicitly setting -noopt
with -debug). But when I do compile I see a lot of stuff like this:

-I/home/cerutti/amber/include -c runmin.F90
-I/home/cerutti/amber/include -c veclib.F90
-I/home/cerutti/amber/include -c gb_alltasks_setup.F90

What's up with -O0 -O3? It looks like the optimizations are not really
being suppressed as advertised. Can someone with better knowledge of the
configure script weigh in here, or perhaps indicate how to fix this? I
haven't run into any actual problems with regard to the -O3 when I try to
use valgrind and gdb, but still...

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Received on Tue Oct 03 2017 - 22:30:02 PDT
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