[AMBER-Developers] Problems with compiling AMBER Git master

From: Yinglong Miao <yinglong.miao.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2017 16:37:00 -0500


I was trying to compile the latest Amber Git master branch, but got error
messages for both the CPU and GPU versions:

*CPU version:*
Configuring fftw-3.3 (may be time-consuming)...

    fftw-3.3 configure succeeded.

Configuring CPPTRAJ...
CPPTRAJ configure failed. Check
'/home/y147m353/amber-current/AmberTools/src/cpptraj_config.log' for
Configure failed due to the errors above!

*GPU version:*
+ cd ~/amber-current/src/pmemd/src
+ make -j 24 cuda_serial
Makefile:32: ../../config.h: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target '../../config.h'. Stop.

Any help will be much appreciated!


Yinglong Miao, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Center for Computational Biology and
Department of Molecular Biosciences
University of Kansas
2030 Becker Drive, Suite 200D MRB
Lawrence, KS 66047
miao.ku.edu; 785-864-8298 (office)
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri Sep 15 2017 - 15:00:03 PDT
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