[AMBER-Developers] Volunteer needed to look at the wiki portion of the Amber web site

From: David A Case <david.case.rutgers.edu>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2017 15:37:50 -0400

Hi everyone:

You probably all realize that the Amber web site needed to be transferred
to a new machine following a hardware crash at Rutgers. There are still some
teething pains that have accompanied that move.

Dave Cerutti is working on a revised "look" for the main pages, and we'll
be trying to punch those into shape, and asking for comments, soon.

But it turns out that the "wiki" portion of the site (at
ambermd.org/pmwiki) also needs efforts beyond what I have time or expertise
for. Viewing these pages is fine, but editing them no longer really
works :-(. The basic problem, as far as I can tell, is that we moved
to a more recent version of php that was running on the old site, leading
to lots of incompatibilties. Attempts to upgrade the pmwiki software to
the current versions help, but don't really make things work. The pmwiki
engine is still be actively maintained, so it doesn't look on the surface
like we would have to re-do the whole thing.

So, I'm looking for some volunteer, ideally with apache/php experience to
tackle this problem. I can get that person the complete website, and notes
I have made so far. Someone with experience in reading Apache error messages,
and with understanding php code, might be able to get things going. It
might(?) be worth considered using a older version of php itself, although
that seems less than ideal. It might be that we could start from a bare
installation of pmwiki, and manually add back in the current pages via cut and
paste from their current source--viewing the "markdown-like" source of each
pages works fine, so it would be probably less than an hour's work to
re-create the wiki page by page, if that were needed. I think wiki's are
rather nice, but I'm open to alterantive suggestions, and am certainly not
wedded to the particular engine (pmwiki) that we are using now.

Please let me know if you have ideas, or names of volunteers, to look at

...thanks in advance....dac

AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Thu Aug 31 2017 - 13:00:03 PDT
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