On Fri, Jun 23, 2017, Brent Krueger wrote:
> We've been doing some work installing AMBER onto very bare-bones Linux
> machines and have found that python is required in order to complete the
> configure process. This is true even when one wishes to use the MINICONDA
> that will lie within the amber tree.
Can you be more specific? I could install a virtual bare-bones machine
and try to find the problem, but it seems like you already know what the
problem is.
Does it come when searching for updates? In that case, running
"./configure --no-updates" the first time will probably help. But we have
to document that. And maybe there are further problems down the line.)
p.s.: it doesn't look to me like Hai's suggestion of --skip-python will
help, but I haven't actually tested that.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri Jun 23 2017 - 13:00:03 PDT