[AMBER-Developers] Creating new submodules

From: David A Case <david.case.rutgers.edu>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 08:15:06 -0400

On Thu, May 11, 2017, Jason Swails wrote:

> Low-hanging fruit:
My view: we should only add addtional submodules where there is someone
willing to take charge of it, and where there is a reasonable prospect that
a non-AmberTools user would make use of it. We should weigh adding
new submodules vs. incorporating some stuff into existing submodules. And
I don't want to undercut AmberTools.

Some top-of-my head comments:

> 1. cphstats (there's already a repository for this in github.com/amber-md)
> 2. mdgx/pymdgx
      Should not be ported. pymdgx should probably be abandoned. mgdx is
      really just an experimental playground for Dave Cerutti
> 3. FEW
> 4. mmpbsa_py
> 5. mm_pbsa
      Should be incorporated into FEW (already made that way in the manual).
> 6. saxs
> 7. xtalutil
      My medium-term goal is to incorporate saxs and xtalutil into cpptraj
> 8. pymsmt (already on GitHub, I think)
> 9. gbnsr6
> 10. etc (the tools inside there)
> 11. pysander
      Seems to tightly integrated with sander itself(?)
> 12. paramfit

> Medium-hanging fruit:
> 1. pbsa
> 2. rism
      pbsa and rism are both tightly integrated with sander and nab
> 3. quick
      my favorite, but depends on what Gerald wants to do
> 4. amberlite
> Harder to do due to data files scattered and tight integration:
> 1. antechamber
> 2. tleap
> 3. sander
> 4. nab/sff
> > 3. Next step: cmake(!)
> >
> I would get this work merged in before you start splitting off more
> submodules. It's already probably going to be a little of a pain to manage
> migrating the cmake work that was done in the directories we just moved to
> submodules. Probably worth not putting the person doing that work (Jamie
> Smith?) out that much more.

Agreed. I'm going to check with Jamie/Andreas to see what they recommend.


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Received on Fri May 12 2017 - 05:30:04 PDT
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