On Mon, Feb 06, 2017, Ross Walker wrote:
> So does this mean we are officially dropping RHEL 6 support?
No. Amber users are provided (via conda) with the correct python
(currently version 2.7). Amber codes will not use the system-supplied python,
and hence won't care what version (if any) RHEL supplies.
Note: there are still some glitches involved in this transition, but I think
we are close.... Note that almost all users have been downloading their
python from Contiuum since April of 2016, and so have not been relying
on the system python for some time.
[For personal reasons, some Amber users/developers may wish to
use another python version. Since they are experts in python, they are
welcome to do this. Much of the recent back-and-forth about python involves
how much hand-holding we should provide for people who don't want to use
the python we supply.]
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Feb 06 2017 - 08:00:02 PST