amber website design as a project for undergraduate student is a good plan and I am +1.
I also agree that we can make several themes and let's vote in amber meeting.
> On Oct 9, 2016, at 5:18 PM, David Cerutti <> wrote:
> Hello Amber Devs,
> I think the look and functionality of the tutorials pages is converging
> nicely. When students and scientists look for a molecular simulations
> package, I want them to learn about what they're doing and I want them to
> choose us: the new site is getting there. The basic format can be viewed
> here:
> When the tutorials get wrapped in the navigation framework I've designed
> (essentially, by adding 3-5 lines of <?php ?> code and linking in the style
> sheet), they will start to look more like the redesigned leap tutorial:
> I did this one as an example, and I've contributed a couple of my own
> tutorials which follow the proposed format, which also includes a means for
> leaving a trail of breadcrumbs so that users can always find their way back
> to the beginning of a particular tutorial, back to the section containing
> similar tutorials, or anywhere else on the Amber site as they work through
> their project. It can be seen in action here:
> advanced/tutorial28/Part2.php
> That page is the second of four stages in deriving IPolQ charges--as you
> can see the peach bar underneath the navigation panel gets links back to
> Force Field tutorials and the front of the current tutorial. In this
> manner, the site is designed so that other contributors can easily tap into
> the navigation for their own content and sub-pages. The page source is
> human readable because it is completely human-written: I am not using a web
> design studio to ensure that everyone will be able to edit the content with
> vi / emacs / gedit.
> I've gotten some praise for the design and requests to make the rest of the
> Amber site consistent, perhaps by working with a student intern in one of
> our groups. If anyone has an undergrad who is so inclined and has flare
> for presentation, this could be a good project. Dan Roe made an excellent
> suggestion that, as we change the website we also check to make sure that
> all of the tutorials still work. We could have the undergraduate work
> through the tutorials during the site redesign to ensure that all of them
> stand in working order and are clearly written. He or she would learn
> Linux, scripting, Amber itself, and some web coding.
> Of course, it's hard to please everyone. As I've said, I am taking
> suggestions from people who truly feel invested in this, in the sense that
> I'm willing to make pizza for everyone but not inviting everyone to call
> out toppings. With that, I'd like to propose an art contest. The color
> scheme and masthead that I have chosen have been refined somewhat over the
> past week to reflect our namesake and a palette that is lively but not
> screaming. If, however, you want to see a different theme, send me a
> detailed image for the masthead (900 x 96 pixels, containing an appropriate
> logo with text as image), two more for the vertical bar (140 x 30 and 140 x
> 50+, to sit flush against the masthead and the second blending to the
> vertical nav bar color), and three color codes to use in the navigation
> (the current three are red #990000, peach #ff9966, and black #000000). The
> background will remain white, in the interest of best melding with plots
> and images throughout the rest of our content. It will take me 15-20
> minutes to create a mock-up of the website in each new theme. We can then
> have a vote on the design at some point in the future, perhaps at the Devs
> meeting.
> Cheers,
> Dave
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