[AMBER-Developers] Amber16 release, re-opening of the master branch for commits

From: David A Case <david.case.rutgers.edu>
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2016 21:18:24 -0400

Hi everyone: The release notice for Amber16 is given below, in case any of
you are not also subscribed to the regular Amber mailing list. Kudos
to everyone for all the great contributions that are included.

You may to back to pushing commits to the master branch at git.ambermd.org.
Please don't push anything to the amber16-with-patches branch; if you have
fixes that should be considered for updates/bugfixes, let me know which
commits to consider.



The Amber development team is pleased to announce the release of Amber16
and AmberTools16. These are significant updates from the the previous
releases; an overview of what is changed is available at:


Briefly, there are new force fields, improved workflows for system preparation
and analyis, and major updates to the sampling and free energy capabilities of
the pmemd program.

The Amber 2016 Reference Manual is avialable online, both for reference, and
if you want to see if Amber might fit your needs:


As in earlier releases, AmberTools16 is distributed under an open source
license, whereas Amber16 requires users to obtain a license from UCSF.

To get AmberTools16, go to http://ambermd.org/#AmberTools, and click on
"Download AmberTools16".

To license Amber16, please visit http://ambermd.org/#obtain, and follow the
instructions there.

Thanks to everyone on the Amber team who worked really hard to get this
done. Special shout-out to Jason Swails, Hai Nguyen and Scott Brozell for
help in preparing the release. See http://ambermd.org/contributors.html
for a fuller list of who has contributed.

....dave case
for the Amber development team

AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Sat Apr 30 2016 - 18:30:03 PDT
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