Re: [AMBER-Developers] git logs and squashing commits

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 11:19:52 -0500

On Feb 26, 2016, at 10:37 AM, Ross Walker <> wrote:

>> ​My experience has been that, at release, we have a set of tests that pass
>> on a wide range of platforms. Mac, Ubuntu, recent CentOS with standard
>> compilers (GNU and Intel compilers released within the last 5 years).
> Recent means CentOS 7? Or also CentOS 6? - We should at least be testing on all OS versions that still under official support. I think this also means CentOS 5 although I don't see many systems running this anymore. But 6 is very ubiquitous. A lot of people still install 6 on new machines given how much they screwed things up in 7.

Travis uses an LTS Ubuntu docker container for Linux and one of the two most recent releases for Macs. If you want more, you will need to supplement with your own server (running Jenkins for instance). You can set that up however you want (e.g. With vagrant running a whole host of VMs with various distros, or docker doing the same). It makes no difference to GitHub who does your CI, and it supports as many checks as you want to do (say you want to run some unit tests with Travis and then provision a Jenkins server to do more comprehensive integration tests on your own, faster hardware). The Travis setup is easy to get going fast, and is worlds better than nothing while you get your own servers set up.

But once a CI service is hooked in, you just have a policy that "nobody clicks the merge button until the green check mark appears."

> We should probably add Suse to that list as well.
> Do github offer CI hardware that includes various GPUs? (and KNC Xeon Phi would be useful too).

GitHub doesn't offer any CI. Common vendors that do that are Travis and appveyor (Windows) that let you run tests in the cloud. Those don't have gpus or phis. You'd need to provision your own server with the hardware to test that. But I'd suggest keeping pmemd on our server (hosted by GitLab if feasible) while it's still proprietary. For proprietary codes CI services are never free.

AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri Feb 26 2016 - 08:30:09 PST
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