Re: [AMBER-Developers] GAFF versions?

From: David A Case <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 22:41:54 -0400

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015, Carlos Simmerling wrote:

> does GAFF have version numbers? I remember hearing on and off about
> improvements, but have no idea how to tell people if they are using them or
> not.

The gaff version is at the top of the gaff.dat file. That is admittedly
a problem if you no longer have access to the exact files that were used when
a prmtop was built: i.e. you can't necessarily tell which version was used by
just looking at the leap.log file. But changes have been minor for different

If creation dates help:

   version 1.8 was added to git on Apr 15, 2015, not yet released
           1.7 was added to git on Nov. 1, 2013, released with AmberTools14
                                                 unchanged for AmberTools15
           1.6 " Sep. 13, 2013, never released
           1.5 " Jan 3., 2013, released with AmberTools13
           1.4 " Mar. 4, 2010, release with AmberTools1.x

I don't have earlier info easily available, but changes back then were pretty

gaff2 will have a new file name ("gaff2.dat") which will help some. But we
should have LEaP put the header of each parm.dat or frcmod file into the
prmtop file. (Volunteers?)


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri Jul 24 2015 - 20:00:03 PDT
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