Since this question has to do with the current development branch it's
probably better if sent to the developer's list rather than the main
mailing list.
On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 12:08 PM, 肖立 <xiaoli19871216.gmail.com> wrote:
> to install the amber14 as of August, but we are having errors compiling
> under mpi gnu.I have included the error message below, Could anyone tell me
> what's the problem?
> I get this error when trying to compile a new clone of master branch:
> "
> make[2]: Entering directory
> `/home/lxiao/nse2_amber/amber_mpi_new/AmberTools/src/mmpbsa_py'/home/lxiao/nse2_amber/amber_mpi_new/bin/nab
> -o /home/lxiao/nse2_amber/amber_mpi_new/bin/mmpbsa_py_nabnmode
> mmpbsa_entropy.nabmake[2]: /home/lxiao/nse2_amber/amber_mpi_new/bin/nab:
> Command not foundmake[2]: ***
I'm not sure if there was a formatting issue when you pasted this but
it looks like maybe the nab program wasn't found. What were the exact
commands you used to configure and build? Are you sure your GIT tree
is up to date?
PS - Although I'm able to build Amber/MPI on my local machine and
several remote machines successfully, I notice that the same error
does appear to be popping up in cruise control
I'll try to look into this further...
> [/home/lxiao/nse2_amber/amber_mpi_new/bin/mmpbsa_py_nabnmode] Error
> 127make[2]: Leaving directory
> `/home/lxiao/nse2_amber/amber_mpi_new/AmberTools/src/mmpbsa_py'make[1]: ***
> [parallel] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/home/lxiao/nse2_amber/amber_mpi_new/AmberTools/src'
> make: *** [install] Error 2
> "
> --
> Li Xiao
> University of California, Irvine
> Email: xiaoli19871216.gmail.com
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Received on Mon Oct 13 2014 - 20:00:02 PDT