Hello, currently on bugzilla the component list for product AMBER is
quite short:
ambpdb Dave Case
dcqtp Scott Brozell
mm_pbsa Scott Brozell
pmemd Scott Brozell
pmemd_cuda Ross Walker
protonate Dave Case
sander Scott Brozell
tests Scott Brozell
Aside from the question of moving stuff to amberTools, wouldn't having
a few more components lead to more fine-grained bug assignment? I
would be quite happy to be named default assignee for EMIL, for
I also think that a "configure/Make" component would be a good idea -
stuff not building on different platforms is a recurrent problem but
it isn't always really the fault of the code itself, and fixes will
often have impact on other people's builds if they aren't tested
I'm assuming that someone else has admin privileges which make adding
this stuff possible, otherwise I would just add an EMIL component page
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Jan 21 2014 - 02:30:02 PST