Hi Dave,
I'll defer to Robin Betz on the Cruise control since she is the keeper of
this machine. Robin any chance you can provide Dave and myself with some
instructions on how to add (and remove) branches from the cruise control
All the best
On 1/10/14, 6:20 PM, "David A Case" <case.biomaps.rutgers.edu> wrote:
>On Fri, Jan 10, 2014, Ross Walker wrote:
>> 1) What is EMIL?
>> 2) Was it tested before committing?
>Can you post instructions on how to get a branch tested by CruiseControl?
>The emil code required automake (should not have); it worked on a number
>of machines, all of which happened to have useful versions of autotools,
>but having the ability to run Cruise Control on a branch (as you or
>someone has been doing with gpu-tachyon) would probably help catch such
>Also, to everyone: please be sure to do the following:
> git diff --stat origin/master
>immediately before a "git push" to master. Make sure the diffs you see
>the ones that you expect.
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Received on Fri Jan 10 2014 - 19:00:02 PST