[AMBER-Developers] What happened to the dashboard?

From: <dcerutti.rci.rutgers.edu>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 16:28:56 -0400 (EDT)

Tyler and I were just discussing a build failure that I may have
inadvertently introduced with some Makefile modifications. Everything
compiled on my machine just fine, in serial and in parallel, but Tyler was
having problems. We think this issue is fixed now, but without a
dashboard to give us a truly independent reading we're blind.

What's happened to the CC?

Also, I was recently talking with another group that has their own 80-man
git-based software development project, and their revision control
includes a lobby for all new code where it is tested for compilation
compatibility and also runs the test suite before code is then committed
to the repository. Would it be reasonable to set up something of that
nature, perhaps with the cheapest GNU compilation as a filter against
non-portable or broken code, for Amber?


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue May 28 2013 - 13:30:04 PDT
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