[AMBER-Developers] AmberTools13, release candidate 1

From: David A Case <case.biomaps.rutgers.edu>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 21:44:47 -0400

We have our first stab at what AmberTools13 might look like. You can get
this in either of two ways:

1. Checkout the amber13-with-patches branch from git; or
2. Get http://ambermd.org/downloads/AmberTools13.28mar13.tar.bz2

It should be possible to untar the latter file into an existing amber12
directory tree. Note, however: you can put AmberTools13 in the same tree
as a stock, patched, amber12 distribution. Do not expect to be able to
use the AmberTools13 tar file in a directory alongside the amber sources
as they exist in the master branch.

Please give this release candidate a workout and give us feedback.

I have also re-opened write access to the git repo at git.ambermd.org.
Please follow these rules:

1. Do *not* commit changes to the amber13-with-patches branch. Rather,
send email to Jason and me, either with a patch file, or with a commit
id that should be cherry-picked.

2. For the AmberTools12.lyx file, for right now, please only commit changes
that you want to be in the release. We are treating the manual in a special
way, so for now, please hold off making any changes intended for future


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Thu Mar 28 2013 - 19:00:03 PDT
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