Hi everyone:
We are planning a release a major upgrade to AmberTools in the next 6-8 weeks.
I've been working with Jason to figure out the technical details. Here is
what we think will happen:
1. The deadline for code contributions to go into this will be
*Monday March 4*. At that point, we will create an "amber13-with-patches"
branch that will contain the current (patched) Amber12 plus things we
want to have in an upgraded AmberTools13. [The "13" identifier here is
tentative, but I think it is the cleanest.]
2. During the month of March, we will try to vigorously test the proposed
release on lots of machines and compilers, probably upgrading the test suite
to pass more often, or to even add more tests. A major upgrade of the
Reference Manual will also take place at that time. Note that upgrades to
amber13-with-patches will have be be cherry-picked back to the master branch,
so the more things we get done *before* March 4, the easier it will be for
everyone. Final(!?!) decisions about details will be hashed at at the
developers' meeting in Salt Lake.
3. The intent is that there will be minimal changes to Amber12 that are
required for this AmberTools upgrade. We must make sure that Amber12 works
flawlessly with both AmberTools12 and with AmberTools13, and strong
justifications will be needed for any exceptions to this requirement.
4. Once the new release is ready, current users can just run the "updater.py"
script in $AMBERHOME (that name is tentative as well), then recompile. New
users will download a tarball from the website that has the equivalent code.
5. The plan is that in the Spring of 2014, we would release Amber14 and
AmberTools14. We would move to a "year" number scheme, such that the unlucky
Amber13 distribution would never exist. [Again, the naming scheme is subject
to discussion.]
Bottom line: get your AmberTools changes committed in the next 2.5 weeks!
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Thu Feb 14 2013 - 09:30:02 PST