On Feb 27, 2012, at 12:20 PM, David A Case wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012, Qin Cai wrote:
>> I'm struggling to merge my revision of the manual with others' although
>> they are definitely in different chapters. Each time I git pull I have
>> to resolve tens of conflicts by hand. Is there an easier way to do it?
> Are you talking about conflicts just in the AmberTools12.lyx file?
> What version of LyX are you using? It should be 2.0.x. If it's an earlier
> version, that could be a cause of this sort of problem.
> Can you describe one or two of the conflicts? Maybe that would help pinpoint
> the problem. I do push and pull from the git repo all the time, and have made
> lots of changes to the AmberTools12.lyx file, and don't ever remember having
> seen a conflict.
Here're a few examples.
<<<<<<< HEAD
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand citep
key "WangJ09"
>>>>>>> d3115272d27f1fc82946543205120a18c3ccd249
<<<<<<< HEAD
interactions is also implemented in
\shape italic
\shape default
interactions is also implemented in this release.
>>>>>>> d3115272d27f1fc82946543205120a18c3ccd249
or even this can cause a conflict
<<<<<<< HEAD
The mean-force potential averages out the degrees of freedom of the solvent
The mean-force potential averages out the degrees of freedom of solvent
>>>>>>> d3115272d27f1fc82946543205120a18c3ccd249
> ...thx...dac
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Received on Mon Feb 27 2012 - 14:00:02 PST