Dear Dave,
How do you think a macromolecular system with electron microscopy image? Those kinds of illustration are often very attractive. I feel it will show the large system size and realistic biology systems that AMBER can deal with. Do you think the illustration has to be a published work using AMBER? Just a suggestion.
-----Original Message-----
From: David A Case []
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 1:16 PM
Subject: [AMBER-Developers] Second request for cover art
Hi everyone:
Here's what I posted on Jan 16:
Cover illustrations: I hereby solicit suggestions for the cover art;
white backgrounds are strongly preferred. You can submit a draft if
you like, but you must be willing to make a good quality image if your
suggestion is chosen. Preference is given to images that reflect
published work using the Amber programs. Email your suggestions to me,
including a suggested caption for the title page.
I haven't gotten any replies. Surely someone has a picture that is worth
promoting. Since most people are clearly not much interested in this,
you chances of "winning" are probably greater than you think.
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Received on Fri Feb 17 2012 - 11:00:01 PST