On 2012-02-11, at 10:40 PM, case wrote:
> Some questions about fftw:
> 2. I'm still having problems with fftw3, on an i386 Intel mac (OS 10.5.8).
> I find that I have to add -nosse to the configure2 script: this wasn't caught
> before because of a bug (now fixed) in configure2 that never passed sse flags
> to fftw3 even if sse was turned on. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else
> can confirm this; and if sse problems occur on other Macs, or other platforms.
> (I'm using gcc 4.5.2).
The problem appears to be AVX (next gen SSE) that only appears on new CPUs (2011 and later). Only gcc 4.6+ and Intel 11.1+ are aware of the instruction set, which is why you are seeing the error. AVX could be turned on if the correct compiler version is recognized but I don't know if it is worth it and don't have a suitable CPU to find out. I've just omitted the option from configure for now and pushed the changes.
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Received on Sun Feb 12 2012 - 10:00:02 PST