On Thu, May 19, 2011, Jason Swails wrote:
> Another
> option would be to sell *only* pmemd, as that program is entirely
> self-contained (one could argue except for NetCDF libs, but that's unchanged
> from any Amber that has it, and systems can install it separately), and
> hopefully well-worth buying for $400, anyway, since it's faster (and in the
> future more feature-rich hopefully) than NAMD anyway ;). It's also the only
> GPU-enabled code in Amber, and probably the most mature GPU MD code out
> there right now (or at least one of them).
I think this is a good option, but there are probably lots of ramifications.
But we should seriously consider it for the next release. We would then make
an (internal) commitment to keep pmemd self-contained, so that the Amberxx
and AmberToolsxx are much less intertwined than at present.
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Received on Thu May 19 2011 - 05:00:04 PDT