[AMBER-Developers] numprocs test and hpmpi

From: B. Lachele Foley <lfoley.uga.edu>
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 18:36:42 +0000

The computer in Ireland is now behaving well enough that we're starting to put AMBER on it again.

There is an issue with HP's MPI and how the tests decide the number of processors. Best I can tell, hpmpi's devels didn't consider that someone might want to run multiple instances of a serial job, such as "echo" or "sleep". But, if you know of another reason, please say.

Here's what the hpmpi version of mpirun does:

[lachele.yeats ~]$ mpirun -np 2 echo "hello"
MPI Application rank 1 exited before MPI_Init() with status 0
mpirun: Broken pipe

...on openMPI, of course, the behavior is as expected:

[lachele.eliot ~]$ mpirun -np 2 echo "hello"

Are there objections to using a mini, parallel variant of the test instead of the current one? Currently, the tests use:

     numprocs=`${DO_PARALLEL} echo "Testing number of processors" | wc -l`

I'm thinking:

    numprocs=`${DO_PARALLEL} numproces_test | wc -l`

...where numprocs_test would give equivalent output. Would that be likely to break anything else? I've never written a program in parallel, so this might be a good one for me to start with. :-) I shouldn't volunteer for anything for another week or three, but this seems like a low-priority thing to tackle.

:-) Lachele

Dr. B. Lachele Foley
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center
The University of Georgia
Athens, GA USA
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Feb 08 2011 - 11:00:04 PST
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