Just a quick update:
It looks like in the latest release candidate (28Mar10) Tyler's patch was
only applied to configure, not to sander/Makefile. As the release candidate
is parallel compilation still fails under CYGWIN. When I apply Tyler's patch
to sander/Makefile, parallel compilation succeeds.
On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 3:34 PM, Tyler Luchko <tluchko.rci.rutgers.edu>wrote:
> On 03/26/2010 11:27 AM, case wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 26, 2010, Daniel Roe wrote:
>>> I know this is low-priority right now but I hit a small snag in compiling
>>> sander.RISM.MPI under cygwin. It appears the problem is in compiling
>>> FFTW-2.1.5:
>> We should probably diasble compilation of sander.RISM.MPI on cygwin
>> until/unless the problem is fixed.
> I don't have access to Cygwin so I can't test this. The attached patch
> should disable compilation of sander.RISM.MPI and RISM into MPI NAB (even if
> it has been requested) on cygwin. I have done some limited testing and it
> does seem to work.
> Just out of curiosity why do we have 2 versions of FFTW
>>> anyway?
>> Cause version 3 doesn't (yet) support the parallelism we need; the needed
>> capability is currently in beta release, so future RISM.MPI's might work
>> on
>> cygwin(!?!)
> Is any of the distributed code using FFTW 3? It seems to only be used by
> MDGX and there is currently no option to turn MDGX on.
> Tyler
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Daniel R. Roe
Postdoctoral Associate
SAS - Chemistry & Chemical Biology
610 Taylor Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Mar 29 2010 - 18:30:02 PDT