Re: [AMBER-Developers] Current amber CVS test fails

From: <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 11:52:16 -0400 (EDT)


no ideas here, the TI_decomp stuff was added by Holgers group after the
soft core module, and I dont really know my way around there. Ill see if I
can reproduce it over the weekend...


>> I just want to follow up on specifically the following failures:
>> test/ti_decomp/ti_decomp_1.out.dif
>> test/ti_decomp/ti_sc_decomp_1.out.dif
>> test/ti_decomp/ti_sc_decomp_2.out.dif
>> I do not believe this is a compiler bug, since I am seeing it with two
>> different compilers (ifort 10.1.018 and gfortran 4.4.3, both with
>> mpich2-1.0.7) and the error is the same:
>> Is there something up with the decomp code itself?
> I think there is; cc-ing this to Thomas to see if he knows what we should
> do.
> [Mark: can I conclude that you are *not* seeing gb_rna errors now?]
> ...thx...dac
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Dr. Thomas Steinbrecher
BioMaps Institute
Rutgers University
610 Taylor Rd.
Piscataway, NJ 08854

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Received on Fri Mar 19 2010 - 09:00:04 PDT
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